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The Therapist

Ann Chester L.M.T. and Certified Colon Hydro Therapist

I am a licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Hydro Colon Therapist I always mention: Massage Therapy chose me I didn't choose Massage Therapy. I know when we touch we are touched. I have studied massage therapy since 2012 after receiving a sciatic nerve injury. I needed regular massages for comfort and my healing process. I'm certified in Colon Hydro Therapy, Vaginal Steam, Non-Invasive Liposuction and Foot Detox...etc...these are an extension of my ability of wanting to help others.

Most people think of massaging as relaxing, but relaxing us mentally also helps to heal our body and joints. Massages help us to let go of tension and clear our minds. If I can help just 1 person it's at this time I feel rewarded. My hopes are that all the modalities I've been trained in will help clients stay in touch with the needs of the body as a whole.

Learn to nurture oneself with regular body massages or just simply caring and detoxifying your body on a regula basis.